
A dynamically developing industry in which safety and speed of service are the key for customers.

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How can we help you?

According to a report presented by Juniper Research, losses caused by e-commerce fraud were estimated at $20 billion in 2021. This is an 18% increase compared to the previous year. The e-commerce industry, where millions of transactions are concluded every day, poses a big challenge in terms of creating security standards. When developing solutions used by our clients, we remember that they cannot disrupt the sales process.

Zapobieganie fraudom

Wykrywanie fałszywych i skradzionych tożsamości

Automatyzacja zdalnej obsługi klienta

Zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa Twoich usług

Sprawna rejestracja nowych klientów

Zdalna realizacja usług dostosowana do pandemicznej rzeczywistości



IDENTT Vision connects the user with the Customer. A modular system that can be tailored to measure. At a time when social distancing is crucial, IDENTT Vision allows you to verify your identity “like live.”

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Conversation between the Consultant and the Client, during which it is possible to carry out an automatic check of the identity document.

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IDENTT Knowledge database contains Thousands of identity documents from over 194 countries. With every document, we provide detailed information and photos documenting the available security features.

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Need a custom solution? We’re ready for it.

Exploring the need for a KYC solution tailored to your specific requirements? Our dedicated team is prepared to create a fully customized KYC solution that aligns seamlessly with your business needs, guaranteeing compliance and operational efficiency.

Ready to take your identity verification
to the next level?

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