Biometric identity verification

The main goal of the research and development project is to build a system for biometric verification of the object’s liveness as part of remote identity verification processes. The system will confirm that identification is carried out by a person authorized to use an identity document, by doing a liveness verification. It will be based on a set of artificial intelligence algorithms developed as part of the project.
Facemap verification interface displaying identity confirmation and liveness detection to ensure real-time user authentication

Implementation period:

06.11.2022 r. – 31.12.2023 r.

Project value:

8 018 167,05

Co-funded by the EU:

5 979 913,60 zł

The main result of the project will be the development of computer software for biometric verification of the liveness based on the analysis of biometric features recorded using a webcam, mobile device or Dot Projector or LIDAR sensors built into the device, through the implementation of new, dedicated artificial intelligence algorithms and solutions that allow to obtain data from built-in sensors.

The developed system will make it possible to confirm that a specific person is involved in a given remote process.

EU funds NCBR IDETT logos

Smart Growth Program

The project is co-funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Program 2014-2020. The project is carried out as part of the competition of the National Center for Research and Development: Szybka Ścieżka

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IDENTT provides a system equipped with algorithms supporting the identity verification process wherever identity confirmation is necessary in the customer service process.

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